Tesla Wall Charger Not Working? [Here’s How to Fix!]

If you are facing charging issues using Tesla wall connector then I am going to show you here how you can solve and again get your wall charger on track.

I understand it may feel daunting, that’s why I made a very easy-to-understand guide about this issue which apparently looks a complex thing to solve.

In essence, the issue could be with wall charger’s hardware or software, installation-related, electric wiring-related, or with your car.

Don’t panic! I will cover all those things here.

I am considering Tesla wall connectors Gen 3 and Gen 2 in this article. (Gen 1 is not included, because nowadays only Gen 2 and Gen 3 are majorly used)

So be with me.

Tesla Wall Connector Charging Issues – Locating The Issue

Let’s see what different issues can cause the Tesla wall charger to go bad.

Both Gen 2 and Gen 3 wall connector issues can be caused by certain things related to installation and grounding, wrong internal and power supply wiring, high temperature, overvoltage or under voltage, overcurrent or undercurrent and fluctuating power supply.

All those issues are detected by different types of Tesla wall connector lights.

We will see all those lights meaning each for Tesla wall charger Gen 2 and Gen 3.

And there are issues related to software or firmware – which is specific to Gen 3 – and some internal glitches.

Apart from these issues, there are some basic things which needs to be taken care of.

I will cover these basic things to ensure first followed by specific issues to Gen 3 and Gen 2 wall connectors.


If you see light indicators on the wall connector then you can just jump to Gen 3 specific issues or Gen 2 specific issues directly. You can later come to check basic things in your EV.

Most Basic Things to Ensure

Very First Thing

At the very first just unplug the charger and reinsert it properly till you hear a locking click. If charge port latch does not engage properly then charging won’t start.

Second Thing – Ensure Charging Plug and Port is Clean

Just check inside the charging plug and port whether there’s some dust or debris.

If so you can try cleaning it with cotton cloth or earbud. You can also use a tooth stick but be cautious. Son’t overdo it, otherwise it may damage the plug or port.

Also, you can simply do a gentle air blow with a blower or mouth. It can clean the plug and port.

If this does not work then head to other checks below.

Charge port not detected – Charge port disabled – Charging unavailable

If you can’t confirm both of above things then look if vehicle displays an error like ‘Charge port disabled’ or ‘Charging unavailable’ or ‘charging equipment not ready‘ or similar meaning error. Depending on the vehicle brand and model the error texts could be different.

If yes then it definitely mean your EV is not recognising the charger because either charge plug is not properly inserted or there’s dust debris inside charge port or plug.

Then you need to follow the instructions given on above two points.

That can solve the issue and your EV can then recognise the charger.

Check Whether Charging Schedule is Enabled

If you have enabled the charging schedule in your EV then it won’t allow the charging process to work out of that charging schedule.

Or maybe it is out of your knowledge that somehow the charging schedule got enabled! Maybe by someone from your family or just mistakenly it could have been enabled.

Remember, charging schedules can be enabled from various places. So you need to check all those respective settings to ensure whether the charging schedule is causing the issue.

Charging schedule can be enabled from,

  • Vehice side settings,
    • From your EV’s dashboard or
    • Vehicle’s phone app
    • Or third-party app
  • Charger side settings,
    • From the phone app, either Tesla’s or third-party

So if you are trying to charge out of the scheduled charging time then it is necessary to check whether this is the problem with the enabled charging schedule.

This can be a simple cause and you may then mis-diagnose it as Tesla wall connector issue.

If the charging schedule is ON, then you can disable the charging schedule forever and then again set up when you need by accessing respective settings.


You can use temporary override or cancel any charging schedules for the time being by accessing respective settings.

This will make the charging session work out of the scheduled time.

Note: Depending on which EV and the charger app you use, the availability of these temporary overriding schedule charging settings will vary. Certain EVs or charging apps offer these settings while others don’t.

Check Battery Charge Limit Settings

Check charge limit settings in your vehicle and see if it is set to a limit. If so then beyond the limit it won’t charge. If you see charge limit reached then increase it or disable it and try to charge.

But if you see current charge level of the battery is well below the charge limit and still charging issue then look for other reasons causing it explained below.

Battery Temperature is Not in Optimal Condition

If vehicle battery temperature exceeds required temperature then again it causes charging issues, whether it’s too hot or too cold.

If you see weather conditions like that then it is recommended to do preconditioning of vehicle battery. Depending on which EV you use find the settings for preconditioning and do it before charging.

If it’s too cold and see snow inside charge port or charge port is frozen then you need to use defrize settings in your vehicle to melt and evaporate the ice.

Or you can drive the vehicle a bit to warm up before you charge it. This can also solve the issue.

So these were the most basic checks you need to do as many users face this and misdiagnose the issue with Tesla wall connector.

Now let’s start with specific issues of Gen 3 wall connector followed by Gen 2.

J1772 to Tesla Adapters (Top-Picks):

Best value
61kQDVIT6oL. AC SL1433
Use this adapter to charge your Tesla at Level 1 or Level 2 non-Tesla charging stations
Best value
71sffcbsaLL. AC SL1500
Use this adapter to charge your Tesla at Level 1 or Level 2 non-Tesla charging stations

CCS1 to Tesla Adapter (Top-Picks):

Best value
61osfdsiCcL. AC SL1500
Use this adapter to charge your Tesla at Level 3 non-Tesla DC charging stations
Best value
Use this adapter to charge your Tesla at non-Tesla Level 3 DC charging stations

Tesla to J1772 Adapters (Top-Picks):

Best value
51hH7JkarPL. AC SL1200
Use this adapter to charge your EV at Level 1 or Level 2 Tesla charging stations
Best value
61ldkj3IJ2L. AC SL1500
Use this adapter to charge your EV at Level 1 or Level 2 Tesla charging stations

Tesla to CCS1 Adapter (Top-Picks):

Best value
611lqcRf 0L. AC SL1500
Use this adapter to charge your EV at Tesla Supercharger
Best value
61KENRd8JEL. AC SL1500
Use this adapter to charge your EV at Tesla Supercharger
61wSgbqMuuL. AC SL1500
Perfect for outdoor installed EV charger protection in rain/snow weather
61Do60MP2cL. AC SL1500
Perfect for outdoor EV charging in rain/snow weather
617qTNqj3RL. AC SL1500
Protect charging cable from crushing and damage
61mSlZbcZiL. AC SL1500
Keep your Tesla EV charger cable organised & clean
61imlfM3aUL. SL1200
Keep your Tesla EV charger cable organised & clean
41Ayor5hpKL. AC SL1000
Protect EV charging connector plug and pins from weather, dust & water/snow
41bj5udDfKL. AC SL1500
Protect NACS charging connector plug and pins from weather, dust & water/snow

Tesla Wall Connector Gen 3 – Solving the Issues

Tesla wall connector Gen 3 lights codes:

If you see Tesla wall charger No light, Tesla wall charger red light or your Tesla wall charger blinking Red light over the light bar then it is indicating some issue causing the Tesla wall charger to not to work.

Here I have made a table explaining all the different Gen 3 Tesla wall charger lights meaning and if you see those lights then what you can do about it.

Tesla Gen 3 wall connector Light BarWhat These Gen 3 Lights Indicator MeansWhat to Do
No LightsPower supply issueMake sure the power supply is ON. Check if circuit breaker is tripped. If yes then turn it to ON. If it keeps tripping or even if no circuit breaker issue but still no lights on light bar then have a certified electrician to confirm proper voltage reading is present at the terminal block using multimeter. And check any electric circuit related issue or it’s wall connector causing it.
Blinking GreenSSID Broadcasting – waiting for commisioningCommission and Connect Tesla wall connector to Wi-Fi.
Solid redWall connector internal issueTurn OFF and turn ON the circuit breaker with 5 sec of interval in-between. If still solid red light then contact Tesla with document part number and serial number
Blinking red light 1 timeGround fault. Current taking unsafe pathInspect charging handle, vehicle charge port, wall connector for damage signs or water ingress. Have electrician to ensure  ground is not connected to conductor wire in branch circuit
Blinking red light 2 timesHigh ground resistence detected – Ground assurance fafultMake sure wall connector is properly grounded. Plus ground connetion should be bonded in upstream power supply. Check all physical connections including wirebox terminal, electric panels & junction boxes. Check ground and neutral bond at main panel
Blinking red light 3 timesHigh temperature detectedMake sure charge port or wall connector is not covered by anything and no heat source nearby. Have an electrician to verify right sized conductors are used and terminal block is properly tourqed to specification. Make sure the wall connector has latest available firmware
Blinking red light 4 timesNo internet connectionConfirm that Wi-Fi router is operational and no interruption in Wi-Fi signals. Check if router’s Wi-Fi password changed recently. Follow the process to connect Gen 3 Tesla wall connector to internet properly
Blinking red light 5 timesPower load sharing communication issue between wall connectors networkWall connector should have proper internet connection issue. Follow Tesla wall connector commissioning process to re-link power sharing
Blinking red light 6 timesOvervoltage or poor grid quality with imbalance or distortion in powerMake sure the power supply is ON. If yes and the issue persists then have a certified electrician to confirm proper voltage reading is present at the terminal block using multimeter
Blinking red light 7 timesOvercurrent detectedReduce vehicle charging current. If issue persists then contact vehicle’s manufacturer support. Contact Tesla if issue with Tesla car with VIN
Tesla Wall Connector Gen 3 Light codes meaning table

So these were the light codes you should not get in Tesla wall connector Gen 3. If you are getting any of it then do as per the given steps in table and solve the issue.

Now, if Tesla wall connector Gen 3 showing no light error codes or even after solving the light code issues, still Tesla wall connector Gen 3 won’t work then probably it is software issue or some internal glitch.

Let’s look at that.

Tesla wall connector Gen 3 software issues

Make sure you have the latest updated firmware for the Tesla Gen 3 wall connector.

You can update firmware from IP address software option online or by adding Gen 3 wall connector to Tesla app with internet connection.

Follow the process to connect Tesla wall connector to Wi-Fi. And then you can head on to software section within webpage of IP to update the latest firmware.

If you have added the Tesla wall connector Gen 3 to Tesla app and is connected to internet then it will automatically receive all firmware updates.

Click here to learn how to update the firmware offline and follow the steps as explained.

If you have tried the things listed above don’t seem to work then just reset the Tesla wall charger.

Reset Tesla wall connector Gen 3

You can reset the wall connector Gen 3 by just turning OFF the circuit breaker on which it is installed – for 10 seconds – and again turn ON the circuit breaker.

This is called power recycling and it clears any internal (unknown) glitches.

Once you turn the circuit breaker ON, you should see a blinking green light over the light bar. If so that’s the sign of getting it again in working mode. Then you need to commission it and that’s all, and start filling up the juice.

So this was all about Tesla wall connector Gen 3 if it is not working. By locating the issue and fixing it as explained above will for sure solve the issue.

If you don’t know the technicalities of the wall connector at any step then I recommend to have an electrician to check up things for you, instead of you trying to fix just by yourself.

If issues won’t solve

If the issue won’t solve at this stage then you need to diagnose the issue using the diagnose tool given by Tesla. Later if needed you can contact technical support from there.

Now let’s look into Gen 2 Tesla wall connector issues.

Tesla Wall Connector Gen 2 – Solving the Issues

Tesla charger lights code meaning table – Gen 2:

Here again, I have made a table explaining all the different Gen 2 Tesla wall charger lights.

The table showcases Gen 2 Tesla charger light codes, including all the patterns of Green light, Yellow light and Red light, what it means and what you can do about it.

Green LightYellow LightRed LightAuto-Retry What These Lights Indicator Means What to Do
Top light
OffOffNot neededTesla Gen 2 Wall connector in standby mode. Power supply is ON and wall connector is powered but not charging vehicleNothing to do – You can Connec to vehicle if want to charge
Streaming lightsOffOffNot neededTesla Gen 2 wall connector is charging  vehicleNothing to do
Streaming lights1 Flash or blinkOffNot neededHigh temperature detected in charge port and charge plug so reduced the charging currentMake sure charging plug is fully inserted into vehicle charging port – Charging port should not be covered by anything – There should be no heat source nearby – If issue persists at normal ambient temperature (under 100°F or 38°C) then contact Tesla
Streaming lights2 Flashes or blinksOffNot neededHigh temperature detected in Tesla Gen 2 charger wall outlet plug or in input power terminals so reduced the charging currentMake sure wall connector is not covered by anything and no heat source nearby – If issue persists at normal ambient temperature (under 100°F or 38°C), contact Tesla
Streaming lights3 Flashes or blinksOffNot neededHigh temperature detected inside Tesla Gen 2 wall charger Make sure wall connector is not covered by anything and no heat source nearby – If issue persists at normal ambient temperature (under 100°F or 38°C) then contact Tesla
OffOff1  Flash or blinkYou can retry after 1 min and up to 4 timesGrounding fault. Current is leaking through unsafe path to ground Try disconnecting charger from vehicle and reconnect it. If that doesn’t work then turn OFF and turn ON circuit breaker with 10 sec of interval inbetween and connect charger again to vehicle charge port. If issue persists then contact Tesla
OffOff2 Flashes or blinksYou can retry after 1 min and upto 4 timesNo ground connection to Tesla Gen 2 wall connectorHave certified electrician to check and ensure proper grounding of Tesla Gen 2 wall charger, circuit breaker and power distribution box
OffOff3 Flashes or blinksNoWall power input miswiring. Probably line and neutral are swappedHave certified electrician to correct the wiring of wall power and Tesla Gen 2 wall connector
OffOff4 Flashes or blinksYou can retry after 1 min and upto 4 timesOver or under voltage detected in Tesla Gen 2 wall connectorHave a certified electrician to check and ensure appropriate voltage at circuit breaker 
OffOff5 Flashes or blinksYou can retry after every 1 min (No limit on retry)Over-current detected in Tesla Gen 2 wall connectorReduce the charging current from control setings. If issue persists then contact vehicle manufacturer customer support. 
OffOff6 Flashes or blinksYou can retry after every 1 min (No limit on retry)Communication error between Tesla Gen 2 wall connector and vehicleDiscnnect wall charger from vehicle and reconnect. If that doesn’t work then check with other charging station if vehicle charges there. If vehicle charges at other charging station then contact Tesla charger support. If it is not charging at other charging station then contact vehicle manufacturer’s customer support
Top light
Off1 Flash or blinkNoOver temperature detected (Latch off)Make sure EVSE including wall connector, charge port or wall plug is not covered by anything and no heat source nearby – If issue persists at normal ambient temperature (under 100°F or 38°C) then contact Tesla
Top light
Off2 Flashes or blinksNoPower input distribution is not compatible with Non-Tesla vehicleMore than one wall connector is set as leader in circuit breaker load-sharing network
Top light
Off3 Flashes or blinksNoRotary switch settings are incorrectConsult with a certified electrician
Top light
Off4 Flashes or blinksNot neededMore than three wall connectors are set as followers in circuit breaker load-sharing networkSet only one wall connector as leader. All other wall connectors to be set as follower (position F)
Top light
Off5 Flashes or blinksNot neededHave only three wall connectors in circuit breaker load-sharing network. Disconnect and move one or more wall connector to different circuit.Circuit breaker load-sharing networked wall connectors having different current capabilities
Top light
Off6 Flashes or blinksNot neededWall connector hardware failures: One or more hardware failed among contractor, self-test in CCID circuitry, MCU, 3V3output or thermal sensorContact Tesla support
OffOffSolid redNoWall connector hardware failures: One or more hardware failed among contractor, self test in CCID circuitry, MCU, 3V3output or thermal sensorContact Tesla support
Tesla Wall Connector Gen 2 not working Light codes

So these were the light codes you should not get in Tesla wall connector Gen 2. If you are getting any of it then do as per the guided in the table and solve the issue.

Now, if Tesla wall connector Gen 2 shows no light error codes or even after solving the light code issues, still Tesla wall connector Gen 2 is not working then follow the below steps.

Reset Tesla wall charger Gen 2

If you are solving Tesla charger issue by yourself and by trying any of the things listed above don’t seem to work then you try to reset Tesla wall charger gen 2 and check if that works.

You can reset Tesla charger gen 2 by pressing RESET button.

Where is Reset button on Tesla wall charger Gen 2?

To locate the reset buttong you need to remove the cover of Tesla charger and you will see Reset button on the side of wall charger.

Now press the Reset button for two to three seconds until the top lights change from red to green.

This will clear any fault messages. Now you can try if Tesla wall charger works.

In some rare situations if still wall connector Gen 2 does not work then you need to reboot it.

Reboot Tesla wall charger Gen 2

To reboot Gen 2 Tesla wall charger hold the reset button for five seconds. Wait till top light changes from red to green, then release the button.

Now the top light should continue to illumine GREEN.

Now check if the wall connector started to work.

If the light returns to blinking red then the fault is not resolved.  

In such case, you need to contact Tesla customer support.

So here we saw what to do if Tesla wall charger is not working – both Gen 3 and Gen 2.

Now let’s see some other important things that can cause wall connector charging issue.

Additional Troubleshooting Tip

Using Power Extension Cable or Power Strip?

Try charging without extension cable and see if charging with wall connector works.

Actually, it is not recommended to use any power extension cable with a Tesla wall charger.

These extension cables are not compatible with accommodating current to charge EVs.

Using such extension cables or power strips can cause issues in charging or in wall connector.

So it is better to move your car closer to wall charger or fix the wall charger where the car can be parked nearby within reach of charging cable.

Issue with your EV

Now even after checking and solving the wall connector issues as explained above don’t solve charging issues then before contacting Tesla support you have to check with your EV, maybe it’s your Electric Vehicle now! Do the checks with your EV first.

Here I have already given basic things to check in your EV at first – it doesn’t matter which EV you use.

But now if you have gone through Gen 3 or Gen 2 wall connector specific troubleshooting and found no issues with wall connector LED indicators and charging issues still persist then I genuinely advise you to go through that now if you haven’t already.

Now, if you are using Tesla, then using Tesla wall connector certain charging-related errors can occur which are displayed on the in-car dashboard screen as an error code. So it is important for you to go through.

Because Tesla wall connector is Tesla branded charger, so Tesla vehicles provide further insights into any charging issues using Tesla wall connector – which is indicated as error codes in Tesla vehicle. Which is not the case with non-Tesla vehicles. So I need to explain those here in detail.

And mostly Tesla vehicles use Tesla wall connectors than non-Teslas, so considering user base of Tesla wall connectors here are further insights into wall connector troubleshooting with Tesla error codes. This is Tesla vehicle-side troubleshooting for Tesla wall connectors if issues haven’t been caught from wall connector side troubleshooting.

Next section is just for Tesla vehicle users…!

Tesla Error Codes

Here I have made a list of all error codes about charging issues in Tesla which can occur while charging Tesla using Tesla wall connector.

Tesla Error Code List:

Tesla Error CodeWhat Tesla Error MeansWhat to do
CP_a046, CP_a053, CP_a055Charging equipment communication interrupted – Charger not detectedConfirm if power supply is ON. If no issue with power supply then try to charge the car with different Charging equipment – Charging cable, plug/adapter, at different charging station. If that works then you have faulty wall charger or charging equipment. If Tesla won’t charge even there then there is issue with vehicle. Then respectively contact Tesla customer support for the said issue. 
CC_a001, CC_a002, CC_a003, CC_a005No proper grounding of Tesla chargerHave an electrician to check proper Ground connection and wiring
CC_a006Overcurrent detectedTry reducing charging current from display, Tesla app or from IP address. If no resolution then contact Tesla service centre
CC_a007, CC_a008Over or under-voltageHave electrician to ensure appropriate voltage on circuit breaker
CC_a009Incorrect power supply wiring Have an electrician to track wiring and connect it in correct place. 
CC_a015, CC_a016, CC_a017, CC_a018, CC_a019, CC_a029, CP_a004, CP_a010, CP_a066Charger handle not inserted properly in Tesla charging port – Latch not engaged properly – Charging equipment not recognisedRemove charging handle and insert again to charging port properly. Clean any dust or debris within charging cable plug and charge port and try again to charge your Tesla. If that doesn’t work then turn OFF and turn ON circuit breaker with 10 sec of interval inbetween and connect charger again to Tesla charge port. If that doesn’t work you can try charging with different charging equipments and charging station. If still no resolution then contact Tesla service centre.
CP_a043Charge port unable to sense charge port door positionClose the Tesla charge port door and open it again the insert Tesla charger to charge port
CC_a004, CC_a010, CC_a014, CC_a020, CC_a025, CC_a026, CC_a027Malfunctioning Tesla charger hardwareDisconnect Tesla charger and reconnect. If that doesn’t work then turn OFF and turn ON circuit breaker with 10 sec of interval inbetween. Then again try to charge your Tesla. If that doesn’t work then call a certified electrician to check all wirings. Still if doesn’t work then Tesla wall connector requires service. So contact Tesla service centre.
CC_a011, CC_a012, CC_a013Wall connector over temperature detectedLet wall connector cool down. Make sure no heat source nearby, no covering over wall connector or charging port. Charger is properly inserted into Tesla charge port. If that doesn’t work then Check wall connector wirings. If issue persists in normal ambient temperature (under 100°F or 38°C) then service is required. 
CC_a043Wall connector not properly configuredDo proper commissioning of wall connector. Refer to out guide to commissioning Tesla wall connector.
CP_a054Charge port latch not engaged properly – one of the causes for slow Tesla charging than usualRemove charging handle and insert again to charging port properly. Clean any dust debris or moisture within charging cable plug and charge port, let the port become dry and try again to charge your Tesla. If no chance then Follow the guide to manual release of charging handle from charge port and again insert the charger properly and see if that works. If that doesn’t work you can try charging with different charging equipment and charging station. If still no resolution then contact Tesla service centre.
CP_a056Charging cable and charge port disconnectedStop the charging and remove Tesla charging cable, close the Tesla charge port door, reopen it and insert charging cable handle again in charge port. 
CP_a079Charge port frozen – and latch is unable to secure charge cable in charge portUse Defrost feature for Tesla, either from car display or from app. Remove charging handle and insert again to charging port properly. Clean any dust debris or moisture within charging cable plug and charge port, let it become dry and try again to charge your Tesla. If not able to remove charging cable then follow manual releasing of charging handle from charge port guide and again insert the charger properly and see if that works. If that doesn’t work you can try charging with different charging equipment and charging station. If still no resolution then contact Tesla service centre.
CP_a151Tesla charge port is unable to eshtablish control pilot signal with AC charging equipment – Service is required for Tesla charge portSchedule a service for vehicle charge port inspection at the earliest opportunity. Although supercharging or DC fast charging should be working in the meantime. So you can charge your Tesla at superchargers. Meantime you can check if Tesla is charging with Gen 2 or Gen 3 mobile connector. But it is recommended to have a service schedule as soon as posssible.
Tesla Error Code List with meaning and what to do

Other Tesla error codes which require help from a certified electrician

If you get any of the below Tesla error codes then you certainly have to call for an electrician to fix the issue.

CC_a041, CP_a101, CP_a102 errors are related to Hot building wiring. It is related to power supply input side problems which then supplies power to Tesla wall connector.

CC_a021, CC_a022, CC_a023, CC_a024 and CC_a030 are related to a multi wall connector power load sharing network. If you have more than one wall connector connected within a single circuit breaker then there are some issues with power load sharing.

CC_a028 is related to the incorrect rotary switch setting.

To solve all of the above Tesla wall charger issues-related errors, it is recommended to contact an electrician to look up and fix the things for you.

If you still can’t find where the issue is – for Both Tesla and non-Tesla users

Now after going through this detailed troubleshooting for your EV and Tesla wall connector and still unable to figure out where the issue is then here is a sure shot step for you. You will 100% find where the issue is. Either, it’s the car or Tesla wall connector, you will definitely find who is the culprit – for whatever Unidentified reasons.

Try Charging With Different Charging Station

Nearby to your location, if there are some charging stations available maybe of your neighbour or public charging station then check whether your EV is charging properly there.

You can use maps and navigation guide to locate other nearby charging stations.

If charging works perfectly at other charging stations then charging issues are not at the vehicle end.

Then probably the issue is with Tesla wall connector.

But If your car doesn’t charge even at other charging stations then charging issue is with your EV.

In that case, it is best to contact EV manufacturer’s customer support and see whether they can detect some issues in your vehicle and suggest some fixes or you may need to visit nearby service centre.

But if it is not feasible for you to check charging at other charging stations then you can look into some other ways to confirm as explained below.

Check If Another Vehicle Charges at your Tesla Wall Connector

If possible you can check if another Tesla or any EV charges at the same wall connector you are charging.

If it charges then the issue is in your vehicle.

But even if another EV doesn’t charge at your wall connector then the issue is with the charger i.e. Tesla wall connector and you have to contact Tesla customer support now.

Yes, so this was the handbook for you to troubleshoot Tesla wall connector issues.

At this stage you should be able to solve any of the issues with either Tesla wall charger or the vehicle.

Now if you find the issue with Tesla wall connector OR even (Now at this stage!) are unable to find the issue (Which is not possible after going through this guide..) it is best to use Tesla diagnose tool and if needed contact Tesla customer support later. You will find further insights into the issue or at least technical support will nudge you further.

Use Tesla’s Diagnose Tool OR Contact Tesla Customer Support

Now, if the issue won’t solve at this stage then, as I said you can use diagnose tool for wall connector given by Tesla. Later if needed you can then contact Tesla’s technical support from there.

To directly contact customer support you can visit tesla.com/support/contact or you can scan the QR code below to open support portal.

Scan QR code to open Tesla support portal

Additionally, for owner support and troubleshooting any issue you can call (888) 765-2489 and for North America Electrician and Installer support call (650) 963-5655.


So here I have explained to you all the possible issues due to which the Tesla wall charger won’t work.

I covered Gen 2 and Gen 3 Tesla wall connectors in this guide.

I also covered important things to check parallelly in your EV, no matter which brand you have.

However, if you are a Tesla user then I have provided Tesla vehicle error codes to get further insight into the charging issue.

So now you should be able to solve the issues by yourself or with the help of some professional technician.

Let me know in the comments how this worked for you. If you see something is missed then please let me know in the comments section. It will help me to improve the guide and eventually help EV owners like you and me.

If you have found this article helpful then remember to share this with fellow Tesla wall connector users facing charging problems.

OK then.. See you in the next article!


How do I reset my Tesla wall charger?

To reset Tesla wall charger just turn off the circuit breaker for 10 seconds and again turn it on. It will reset the wall connector and also remove any unknown glitches in the wall charger system.

What do I do when my Tesla says charging equipment reports error?

1. First just disconnect the charger from charge port and reconnect properly inserting the charging connector till you hear a locking click. See if that solves.
2. If not, see if there’s any dust inside charging port and connector. If so just clean it and check.
3. If issue persists, Turn OFF the circuit breaker, wait for 10 seconds and turn ON again.
4. If still issue then check with another charging equipment like a public charger or nearby home charger to spot where the issue is. OR
5. Just contact Tesla service centre to report the issue.


An engineer turned entrepreneur, being a Tech-enthusiast I am passionate about helping people understand and embrace the potential of technology in an insightful manner. At EV Chargers Guide, I help EV owners to navigate the Electric Revolution by providing in-depth guides to overcome their EV charging challenges and helping to make the Best choice selecting Charging Equipment for their EVs.

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  1. It worked. Thx..
    Issue with dust inside connector geting cp_a004. Did a gentle air blow and done..

  2. I actually set up access restrictions and forgot. I got new EV and just saw it’s not charging. I Just bewildered what’s going on.. But I checked user access and gotta remove it.

  3. I just did reset and it started working fine. Don’t know what the issue was..!

  4. oh.. no it was the schedule set in my Tesla. Had to remove it. Not a wall connector fault. Thanks

  5. Using Gen 2 wall connector, hard reboot worked. It never happened before that it doesn’t work. Anyway it’s ok now.

  6. It was blinking red issue with overcurrent in circuit. Had to call electrician to handle out things.

  7. Reply
    https://arantoe.com/hiring-a-plumbing-contractor-for-great-deal-home/ June 30, 2024 at 10:00 am

    some superb information.

  8. I was getting cp_a053. Then I checked charging my Tesla with another charging unit I have. Surprisingly it was not charging there even. Then I had to visit service center and found issue with charge port. Got it fixed and it’s working now.

  9. I had to reset wall connector. It solved the issue. Everything was at correct place but it was not charging. My Tesla screen said starting to charge but it was not proceeding through.

    • This is strange. I saw it happening with public chargers also. Then resting Tesla or the charger is the only option to go for. At public charger no option to reset charger so may be payment issues or some other issues with account then.

      Technology is still evolving and hoping to have such issues solve.

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